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Autism looks different for everyone

  • Recognise that there is a lot you don’t know about me or can’t see.
  • Create a safe space for me to be authentically myself.
  • Keep an open mind and be flexible.
  • Take the time to listen and learn from me.
  • Understand that my support needs may fluctuate during the day.
  • Get to know me – you might find out I am really fun.
  • Give me the opportunity to show you I can be a great friend or co-worker.

Fitting in can be exhausting

  • Understand that I may say or do things that are unexpected.
  • Be patient and kind, don’t judge me.
  • Work with me to structure my day with the things that give me energy (strengths and interests).
  • Creating an environment that supports my needs allows everyone, including me, to thrive.
  • Support change constructively.
  • Respect my needs.

I feel things deeply, I just may not show it

  • Understand that I express my feelings and thoughts in my own ways and at my own pace - embrace this as part of who I am.
  • Listen to the words I am using or what I am saying. Don’t read into the tone or my body language.
  • Learn to speak my “language” (how I like to communicate).
  • If you want to know how I am feeling, feel free to ask directly.
  • Understand that the way I respond may not reflect how I feel.
  • Understand that I experience emotions deeply, even if they might not be recognised or understood by others.

I’ve been wearing a mask my whole life

  • Acknowledge and validate my feelings.
  • Understand that this can be exhausting for me.
  • Create an environment where I can take down my mask and be my authentic self.
  • Let me engage in activities or events in a way that I can be myself.
  • Don’t try to change me and let me know you like me for me.

My strengths and interests are what drive and motivate me

  • Spend time finding out about what my interests are.
  • Be patient as I may want to talk about my interests.
  • Be prepared to listen and show interest (or read).
  • Encourage me to engage in passion projects – things I am interested in.
  • Don’t expect me to be good at everything.
  • Pair me up with someone who has complimentary and different skills so we can learn from each other.
  • Understand that I can be productive with the right tools and strategies. I want to feel helpful and useful.

I am listening, I just may not always make eye contact

  • Be patient and understanding and promote open communication.
  • Don’t insist on eye contact.
  • Show me that you're open and ready to listen to me
  • Keep an open mind.
  • Learn how to tell that I am listening e.g. I may turn my ear toward you.
  • Understand that eye contact might make me feel uncomfortable.
  • Understand I am trying to focus and that making eye contact is distracting me.

I may seem calm on the surface, but underneath I am working so hard

  • Some days may be better for me than others so be patient.
  • Try avoid the things that cause me distress.
  • If you are going to make changes to my routine, let me know and give me time to adjust to the changes in my own way.
  • Understand that I may need to take a break or step away.
  • Understand that I may be using strategies to cope with sensory overload like using headphones.
  • Let me set my own pace, some situations may be overwhelming.
  • Check in with me. I may benefit from having breaks.

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