For media
As a media professional, you have the power to shape community attitudes and understanding of autism. Our team of Autistic advisors has compiled a list of ways you can challenge misrepresentations of Autistic people and play a role in amplifying authentic Autistic voices.
Diverse representation
Emphasise the idea that autism is a spectrum, and every individual is unique. Avoid generalisations and include representation from individuals of different ages, genders, backgrounds and abilities.
Collaborate with autism organisations
Work closely with autism organisations to understand the needs of the community and incorporate their expertise into media coverage.
Positive stories and achievements
Highlight the accomplishments and successes of Autistic individuals in various fields, showing that autism does not define their potential.
Fact-based reporting
Promote fact-based reporting and debunk myths and misinformation about autism. Fact-check and consult with experts in the field to ensure accuracy.
Information sheets
Angus Hamill
An alumnus of Aspect Central Coast School, was one the 15 Autistic journalism students featured on ABC’s "The Assembly"
Abbey Faulkner
Abbey is passionate about advocating for people with autism. She was one of the cast of ABC’s "The Assembly"
Michael Theo
Michael discusses what he would like people to know about autism
Tips for interviewing Autistic people
Emma Gallagher shares tips for media professionals

How I became Mr A+