Share your NSW Parliament Brilliant Brunch photo on your socials to highlight the importance of inclusion and understanding.
👉 if you don't have any photo from the event, you can download social media campaign tile at
Here is some suggested wording - of course, feel free to 'mix and match'
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This morning at NSW Parliament, I joined A Brilliant Brunch with @Aspect, listening to the experiences of Autistic people and their families. Their stories highlight why understanding and inclusion matter —not just during World Autism Understanding Week but every day.
Everyone can play a role in making a difference! Check out Aspect’s resources and website: and listen to or read about the stories and experiences of Autistic Australians.
#ABrilliantBrunch #WAUD2025 #NSWParliamentBrilliantBrunch
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Approximately 1 in 40 Australians are Autistic, and according to a recent survey, 33% of us don’t know how to respond if someone tells us they are Autistic -whether in words or actions.
We all have a role to play in building a more inclusive Australia. For World Autism Understanding Week, check out about what you can say and do to be supportive and helpful. There are also videos, podcasts and stories where you can learn more about the experiences of Autistic people.
#ABrilliantBrunch #WorldAutismUnderstandingDay #NSWParliamentBrilliantBrunch
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Today, I had the opportunity to meet with Aspect employees and Autistic individuals and hear firsthand about the challenges and strengths of Autistic people and their families during the A Brilliant Brunch in NSW Parliament. These conversations reinforce how important it is to foster understanding and inclusion—not just on World Autism Understanding Week, but every day.
You can take action too! Explore Aspect’s resources at and get involved. Let’s make a difference together.
#ABrilliantBrunch #WorldAutismUnderstandingDay #NSWParliamentBrilliantBrunch
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Today, I had the privilege of attending A Brilliant Brunch at NSW Parliament with
@Aspect, connecting with their team, as well as some of the Autistic people and families they support or employ.
With World Autism Understanding Day coming up on 2 April, it’s a great time for all of us to build understanding and take action. Aspect has fantastic resources and stories to explore at
#WAUD2025 #ABrilliantBrunch #NSWParliamentBrilliantBrunch
On 2 April 2025, join us to celebrate and acknowledge Autistic individuals
Download a social media tile from our WAUD Resources section at and encourage everyone around you to listen to the voice of the Autistic community and be more inclusive.
Here are some suggested posts:
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This year, I’m proud to join @Aspect in acknowledging and celebrating World Autism Understanding Day (2 April). Meeting with Autistic people and their families at NSW Parliament reinforced the importance of making small but meaningful changes to foster inclusion.
Learn how you can be more autism-friendly and check out the resources from the Autistic community: #WAUD2025 (@tag Aspect)
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True inclusion starts with listening to Autistic people. At NSW Parliament, I met with @Aspect staff, Autistic individuals and parents of children on the autism spectrum, gaining valuable insights into the experiences of Autistic people and the barriers they continue to face.
World Autism Understanding Day (2 April) is a time to reflect, learn, and take action towards a more inclusive world. Explore resources and perspectives from the Autistic community here: #WAUD2025 (@tag Aspect)
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Today is World Autism Understanding Day. Autistic people are valued members of Australian society, but sadly the unemployment rate for Autistic people was 18%, more than double the rate for people with disability (8%) and almost six times the rate of people without disability (3%). (ABS 2022)
We can all create more autism-friendly environments to allow participation in the community and work. Learn more about this hidden disability and autism-friendly workplaces at #WAUD2025 (@tag Aspect)
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This World Autism Understanding Day, understanding starts with you. So, what can you do?
- Listen to Autistic voices
- Make meaningful changes for inclusion
- Share what you learn with others
Take the first step this World Autism Understanding Week (2 April) and explore resources at #WAUD2025 (@tag Aspect)
💡 Make sure to tag Aspect on your posts so we can engage:
- Facebook @AutismSpectrumAustralia
- Instagram @aspect_aus
- LinkedIn @autism-spectrum-australia
- X @AspectAus
- BlueSky: @aspectaus
- TikTok: @aspectaus
Every post, comment, and conversation helps challenge misconceptions and drive meaningful change! Thank you for your support in building a more inclusive Australia—one where Autistic people are genuinely understood, valued, and included.