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Help a child like Leo get on the road to the best opportunities.
You may remember Leo from last year. Diane Leo’s mum recently sent a special letter reflecting the immense impact a diagnosis can have for children like Leo. An early diagnosis sets a child on the path to the right therapies and support that can transform their life.
“By starting early and getting an early diagnosis he was able to access therapies faster and get started on developing all aspects of his life,” Diane writes.
Because of his early diagnosis at three and a half, Leo’s family have been better equipped to support his needs. With access to specialist therapies and Aspect’s autism-specific learning environment, Leo’s development and confidence has grown from strength to strength.

“Leo has continued to make us proud and continues to grow… He is developing so many new skills, which will open more opportunities for him.”
Will you please help more families secure an early diagnosis today?
In December 2022, Leo was awarded the ‘Commonwealth Parliamentarian’s Merit Award’, for his achievement in reading – a major milestone which has boosted Leo’s confidence even further.

Help open a world of possibilities.
Leo’s story really is a testament to the power an early diagnosis can have. And that’s why it‘s heartbreaking that so many children can’t access a diagnosis – simply because the $2,500 cost of an autism assessment is out of reach for their family.
For an Autistic child, the road becomes smoother with each day of specialist support and therapy. And little by little, they can progress towards the best opportunities that will help them thrive.
Your support can help transform lives and outcomes for children, like Leo.