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Facilitating a successful transition into an early childhood education and care setting

Research shows that children who participate in a quality early childhood education program for at least 600 hours in the year before school are more likely to arrive at school equipped with the social, cognitive and emotional skills they need to engage in learning (Department of Education, 2018).

Early years programs

Aspect runs several programs aimed at children under 4 years of age and that are currently not in an early childhood education setting. They are open to all children, including children with a disability, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

The Aspect Building Tots Playgroups are a family-centered and delivered by an psychologist, occupational therapist or speech pathologist with knowledge in early childhood supports and autism. The playgroups are free and an opportunity for children to play and engage with each other, and for parents to connect.

The Aspect Building Tots Transition program provides support to families and centres to facilitate the successful transition of the child into an early childhood education and care setting. The program includes up to 6 hours of support at your child’s new early childhood education and care setting.

Building Tots Intake Form

If you are interested in the Building Tots Playgroup or Transition program for your child or a child and family you are supporting, please complete the intake form below.

Resources for Early Years Educators

Aspect has gathered useful resources to assist Educators with implementing the Building Tots program.

See below to access and download these resources.

Early Diagnosis: Enhancing Outcomes for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum and Their Families

Early diagnosis for individuals on the autism spectrum enables targeted interventions, fostering developmental progress. It aids in crafting personalised strategies that enhance social and educational growth. This early understanding also helps families adapt to unique needs, creating a supportive environment. Challenges like lack of awareness can be overcome through community education, resulting in improved outcomes for those on the spectrum and their families.

Sensory Story Time

Sensory Story Time is a great way to engage your children in a motivating and engaging activity that will support the development of social play. We can encourage the development of social play with our children by modelling appropriate and positive social behaviours, taking turns in play, making social comments and using simple language that may be used in play (e.g. repeated lines of the story).

Sensory Story Time Sample Resources

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