Aspect Treetop School Policies
In line with state and federal standards and legislation, Aspect Treetop School provides guidance to all staff in decision making, evidence-informed practice, work conduct and processes through the Aspect Policy Framework, which aligns with state and federal standards and legislation. This ensures consistency across Aspect and strengthens our capabilities to deliver high quality services that support the achievement of students’ goals and outcomes.

Aspect Policies
Suggestions, compliments and complaints policy
At Aspect Treetop School, we encourage you to give us your feedback so that we can update and improve our services. We make sure there are lots of ways and times for you to tell us what you want or need from us, and what you think of the job we are doing.
All complaints are investigated and feedback will be provided both during the investigative process as well as the final outcomes.
Aspect has developed a communication tool called to assist students with communication difficulties to tell the school about concerns about relationships and social interactions, or to identify and report abuse.

Feedback and Complaints process
If you have a question, comment, concern or complaint about Aspect Treetop School you can call or email the school to discuss this.
Alternatively, complaints can also be made to Aspect’s National Office.
External whistleblowing
We are committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment for our students, families, and staff. We also strive to make it easy for anyone to voice concerns about unethical behaviour, safety issues, or any form of misconduct without fear of retaliation.
Whistleblowing occurs when a person reports something they have seen or heard that they believe is wrong.
To facilitate this, Aspect has partnered with Your Call, Australia’s largest independent whistleblowing service providers.

You can reach Your Call online at (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or by calling 1300 790 222 (available from 9am to 12am on business days, AEST).
To be eligible to enrol at the Aspect Treetop School a child must be:
- be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident of Australia or hold an eligible Australian visa.
- have a current formal diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder which is no more than 2 years old.
- have a second report from a psychologist or speech pathologist to confirm the diagnosis is required.

Enrolment & Fees
Child Protection and Safeguarding
Aspect Treetop School is committed to promoting a culture that provides a safe and secure environment for our students, and that complies with the requirements of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s National Principals for Child Safe Organisations. This includes:
- Undertaking employment screening for all relevant staff, volunteers and contractors of the school.
- Making notifications of ‘risk of harm’ (or abuse, neglect or exploitation) to students as per mandatory reporting laws
- Managing allegations of child abuse against employees of the school according to legislative requirements
- Encouraging all families to follow Aspect’s feedback and complaints process for any concerns, complaints of allegations
- Ensuring all paid employees or volunteers are appropriately informed of their obligations under the legislation
- Providing annual professional Child Protection and Safeguarding development for staff.

Safeguarding Policy
Aspect Treetop School has procedures in place to set-out responsibilities and processes to promote safe and supportive learning environments. These procedures support Aspect Schools to understand and meet their legislative obligations, maintain good order and management of schools and provide access to education to ensure all students can participate in and gain positive outcomes from schooling.
Aspect’s schools expressly prohibit the use of corporal punishment and do not explicitly or implicitly sanction the administering of corporal punishment by non-school persons, including parents, to enforce discipline at the school.
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is used at Aspect Treetop School. This is a person-centred framework that aims to improve an individual’s quality of life by providing support in situations where there is, or there is a risk of, behaviour of concern.
At our school, we understand that behaviour of concern is any behaviour that causes difficulties and limits an individual’s ability to have a good life. Behaviour of concern is understood as part of an interaction between:
- an individual, their current and past experiences, and what they have been taught.
- the other people in their lives.
- the environments, communities and cultures they live in.
Behaviour of concern happens for a reason and indicates there is a mismatch between what an individual needs and what is being provided.
When behaviour that puts the safety of any stakeholder at risk occurs, the school is required to implement appropriate measures to safeguard all stakeholders. In exceptional circumstances, where there is a significant risk of harm, and the school is unable to resolve the situation after consultation with all stakeholders then the Principal may exit a student from the school.

Aspect’s PBS policy
Aspect Treetop School is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment that facilitates and enhances the social, academic, physical and emotional development of students.
At Aspect Treetop School we strive to create an environment where:
- Students are treated with respect and fairness by staff.
- Other students do not undermine this trust.
- Members of the school community feel valued and safe.
- Effective teaching and learning take place for all.
- Positive support and encouragement are provided by all staff and students.
- Non-discriminatory language and behavioural practices are defined, modelled and reinforced.
- A culture of care is developed, in which bullying behaviour is not accepted and students feel safe to report bullying to staff.
- Any allegation of bullying is dealt with promptly by the school.
- Consultation and collaborative planning take place on matters relating to students.
Aspect Treetop School’s Bullying Prevention Policy Statement is available here.