Aspect offers a broad range of supports ands services for parents, carers, educators and health professionals, aimed at improving the lives of people on the autism spectrum across Australia.
Our consultants are highly-skilled and specialise in autism education, therapy and autism-friendly environments. Their advice is practical and focused on education environments, including home education, and also relevant to home and community settings.
Our approach is collaborative. We value the skills, knowledge and experience of both parents, families and school and support staff. We acknowledge that we need to work with or consult with a person on the autism spectrum to understand what is important to them and how to best support them. Our advice and recommendations are informed by both. We also emphasise the importance of consistency of strategies across all environments.
Here are the ways in which we can offer additional support.
Aspect Workshops and Webinars
Workshops and webinars are evidence-informed and co-designed with individuals with lived experience of the autism spectrum, and cover topics such as positive behaviour support, inclusion at school and supporting sensory needs. Learn more about upcoming workshops and webinars here. Or if you, or your organisation, would prefer a specific workshop customised to your needs, email us at
Aspect Therapy
Our therapy services include speech pathology, occupational therapy, psychology, education and skills development, positive behaviour support, Telehealth services, and parent training. We also employ Early Childhood Support Educators that work with parents/carers in homes and community settings to develop and implement a plan to support a child’s successful participation in family and community life. Supports are designed to improve the child’s functional skills and to strengthen the capacity of others to foster the child’s learning and development and his/her inclusion in the routines, activities and places of everyday life. Learn more about our therapy services here.
Positive Partnerships
Positive Partnerships is a national project funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment through the Helping Children with Autism program, and delivered by Aspect. Workshops, webinars and online training modules are available which aim to strengthen capacity to support and advocate for young people on the autism spectrum. Learn more here.
Aspect Satellite Classes
For those schools who already have an Aspect Satellite Class, please contact the Principal of that Aspect School directly as they may be able to provide support. If your school is interested in discussing hosting an Aspect Satellite Class please contact us for more information.
Aspect Outreach
Aspect Outreach supports the ongoing successful integration of young people in mainstream and supported education settings, in partnership with their parents, school and other professionals. This program is currently being reviewed and we will let you know once it resumes.