1 in 5 people have a disability, with 80-90% of these being hidden disabilities. An estimated 1 in 40 Australians have been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum. If you include their families and carers, autism becomes a daily part of life for over 1 million Australians.
The physical, emotional and social benefits of physical exercise are well known; however, many autistic people face barriers to participating in sport and exercise. Aspect’s Research Centre for Autism Practise (ARCAP) conducted research into factors that support or hinder Autistic children and adults in taking part in organised sports and physical activities in Australia.
This research found that common barriers to participation included lack of training and awareness of sports coaches, discrimination due to disability, difficulties with competition and team-based sport as well as a lack of flexibility and predictability.
Aspect’s Autism Friendly Team works with organisations to develop and implement inclusive initiatives, programs, events and environments. Using our evidence-based framework that has been developed in partnership with Autistic people, we support organisations through environmental audits, resource development and staff training.
It is our mission to create an autism-friendly Australia where everyone has a place to play.