Partnering to produce respectful and meaningful research and practice
people and their parents/carers, researchers, and autism practitioners work
together to ensure our research is relevant, respectful and translates into
proven practices that support Autistic people to have the best possible
opportunities throughout their lives.
Partnering with Autistic people and their families/carers
We value the perspectives of Autistic people and their families and are committed to working in partnership to identify research priorities, design and implement our autism practice research projects and guide our future research agenda. We do this through the ARCAP Research to Practice Partnership Approach.
Partnering with Aspect staff and practitioners
ARCAP's staff includes Autistic researchers who provide valuable insights and guidance around the design, delivery, implementation and reporting of research projects.
The ARCAP team has a unique advantage in working alongside Aspect’s educators, therapists, service co-ordinators and support workers. Drawing on the hands-on knowledge of these specialist autism practitioners provides valuable insights into the realities of autism practice, informs our research and allows us to develop and test ideas that will work not just in theory, but also in practice.
ARCAP research to practice partnership approach

Autism CRC Research Co-production Partner

Aspect is proud to have been endorsed in 2019 by the Autism CRC as one of its first Research Co-Production Partners. This endorsement requires an organisation to have demonstrated a sustained commitment to quality research co-production, producing translatable outcomes relevant to the needs of the community.
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