What is Wear it Purple Day?
Wear it Purple Day was first celebrated on the 25th of August 2010 in response to the growing global need for safe and supportive spaces for young LGBTQIA+ members in all sectors. Wear it Purple is dedicated to uplifting the voices of young LGBTQIA+ members, and providing them opportunities to develop, grow and expand their horizons in safety.
Wear It Purple Day's 2024 theme, "Your Pride, Your Passion," encapsulates the essence of celebrating LGBTQIA+ youth. It recognizes that each young person is unique, with their own dreams, talents, and aspirations. The theme encourages self-expression, individuality, and the pursuit of passions without fear or judgment and focuses on empowering young people to embrace their authentic selves.
Being Autistic and LGBTQIA+
Studies have shown that:
- Australians of diverse sexual orientation, sex or gender identity account for up to 11% of the Australian population (Department of Health, 2012)
- People on the autism spectrum are 7.6 times more likely than neuro-typical people to have a gender identity different to that of the sex they were assigned at birth (Strang et al, 2014).
- 69.7% of Autistic participants identified themselves as non-heterosexual.
- 75% of LGBTQIA+ Youth have experienced some form of discrimination. 61% have experienced verbal abuse, and 19% experienced some form of physical abuse (WPD Annual Report 2023)
- 74.5% of LGTBQIA+ people have experienced a mental disorder at some time in their life (compared with 41.7% of heterosexual people) (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- 42% of LGBTQIA+ members feel they need to hide their sexuality or gender identity at social events (The Equality Project)
- Only 33.9% have felt comfortable enough to stand up for the rights of LGBTIQA+ people at school or work (Writing Them In 4 National Report).
These statistics paint a picture of the lives and experiences of young LGBTQIA+ and Autistic people, and exhibit the importance of developing spaces for these individuals dedicated to safety, empowerment and opportunity.
Why are we celebrating Wear it Purple Day?
Aspect has recognised and celebrated a wide variety of LGBTQIA+ events and support days including IDAHOBIT, Mardi Gras and Transgender Remembrance Day. As an organisation dedicated to all people on the autism spectrum, we endeavour to provide safe and informed spaces for all those we support.
As we continue our work in cooperation with all members of the autistic community including those in our workplace, we strive to nurture a culture dedicated to allowing all who are involved to feel welcomed, heard and safe.
How can you celebrate Wear it Purple Day?
We invite everyone to do their part by wearing purple on Friday August 30th, but also by