We offer autism, ADHD and cognitive assessments in person and via telehealth. Review the details below to learn more.
Autism assessments
An autism assessment can determine whether someone is on the autism spectrum (i.e. diagnostic assessment). A review assessment can also be requested for individuals who have previously been diagnosed, but are now wanting an updated assessment and additional information (e.g. to assist with funding applications or support planning) (i.e. review assessment).
Learn more about Autism assessments
The process of getting an autism assessment typically involves one-on-one assessment, interviewing parents/carers/family members (as appropriate), and gathering background information through reviewing past reports or speaking with teachers/therapists. In addition to diagnosing autism, the assessment provides information about strategies and supports that may be of assistance. The report provided after the assessment contains a summary of the assessment process and can assist in supporting planning and applications (e.g. NDIS).
Autism assessments can also be helpful for individuals who already have a diagnosis of autism but are needing more information for applications (e.g. NDIS) and support planning (i.e. review assessment). Review autism assessments can be particularly useful at times of transition (e.g.: starting primary school or high school, preparing to leave school). The focus of the autism assessment in this context is on providing current information about social skills, behaviour, everyday living skills, and current support needs. A comprehensive report is provided after the assessment.
An autism assessment takes around 4 to 6 hours and is typically conducted over the course of one day. Verbal feedback is generally provided on the day of the assessment, although will be provided on an alternate date if the clinician needs to seek additional information. A comprehensive report outlining the assessment results and recommendations is provided within 4 to 6 weeks of the assessment appointment.
We follow the “National Guidelines for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder”, and use standardised assessment tools such as:
- Comprehensive parent or carer interview using the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) (where appropriate)
- Clinical interviews as appropriate (e.g., Autism Clinical Interview for Adults; ACIA)
- Formal observation, using tools such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS2) or the Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum, Second Edition (MIGDAS-2)
- Assessment of functional skills (everyday living skills and independence)
- A feedback session outlining the assessment outcomes, including an opportunity for questioning and clarification
- Recommendations for support and follow-up
- Written report
The clinician will select the most appropriate assessment tools for the individual’s situation and presentation.
We offer autism assessments face-to-face in our clinics in Chatswood, Baulkham Hills and Far North Coast-Alstonville.
We are also able to conduct online assessments using a Telehealth delivery model to anyone living in Australia. Clients and their families can stay home and a clinician will conduct the assessment remotely via a digital device like a computer or tablet.
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) assessments
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition affecting children, adolescents and adults. ADHD is characterised by inappropriate levels of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. The assessment will provide helpful information about the person’s executive functioning and support needs.
Learn more about ADHD assessments
It’s common for people to get restless and distracted from time-to-time, but when you have ADHD, your symptoms are persistent and interfere with your work or school and friendships.
Our clinicians can only diagnose ADHD after conducting a detailed assessment. We use a range of standardised assessment tools depending on the person’s age as well as their main concerns and clinical presentation, but is likely to include a combination of subtests and activities from the assessment tools listed below.
- Adults
- DIVA-5
- CVLT-3
- WAIS-IV (e.g. coding and digit span subtest)
- Trails
- Haylings + Brixton Test
- Children
- Young DIVA
- Trails
- WISC-V (e.g., coding and digit span subtests)
Generally speaking, ADHD is not diagnosed in children under 5 or 6 years of age. Therefore, with a few exceptions, we generally would not conduct an ADHD assessment for a child who is not yet at primary school.
Our assessment and report will provide evidence of ADHD, but if you are wanting to access medications you will need to consult a paediatrician or psychiatrist. The report provides important information regarding executive functioning, ADHD, general functioning, and some support strategies. Only a prescribing doctor is able to prescribe medication.
Similar to autism assessments, ADHD assessments can be conducted face-to-face in one of our clinics (Chatswood, Baulkham Hills and Alstonville), and are also available via Telehealth.
Cognitive (IQ) assessments
These help to determine an individual’s learning capability by identifying cognitive strengths and weaknesses, and can assist with the development of individualised support and learning plans.
Learn more about Cognitive assessments
Cognitive assessments are often requested by schools in order to provide additional information about support needs prior to school entry, and are helpful if there are concerns about an individual’s learning abilities or capacity to be independent.
A cognitive assessment generally takes half a day (approx 3-4 hours). We use the Wechsler intelligence scales, with the exact assessment depending on the individual’s age:
- Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence- Fourth Edition, Australian Adaptation (WPPSI-IV): for children aged 2 years, 6 months to 7 years, 7 months.
- Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children- Fifth Edition, Australian Adaptation (WISC-V): for children aged 6 years, 0 months to 16 years, 11 months.
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV): for individuals aged 16 years to 90 years.
The activities involved vary depending on the individual’s age and include a series of tasks designed to provide insight into how a person thinks, reasons and processes information. Some of the tasks are pencil and paper-based tasks, while others involve completing puzzles, answering questions, and solving problems. Some of the tasks may be completed on an iPad.
We also include a measure of adaptive behaviour with all cognitive assessments. Adaptive behaviour refers to daily living skills i.e. what someone is able to do without the assistance of others. Understanding a person’s daily living skills assists with support planning and funding applications. This information is gathered via an online questionnaire, and the measures that we use are the Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales- Third Edition (VABS-3) or the Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System- Third Edition (ABAS-3).
Cognitive assessments need to be conducted face-to-face in one of our clinics (Chatswood, Baulkham Hills and Alstonville), and are not available via Telehealth.
Assessments via telehealth
Telehealth assessments operate the same as face-to-face assessments. The only difference is that conversations will happen online rather than in person. Please note only autism and ADHD assessments can be conducted via telehealth.
Learn more about Telehealth assessments
Telehealth uses digital technologies, like computers and mobile devices, to deliver health care services remotely. It is not new and is used widely for diagnosis and treatment in both medical and allied health services. Research into the use of Telehealth has indicated that it is a viable option, particularly in situations where access to face-to-face services is limited. Participants and parents report a comparable level of satisfaction in the quality of Telehealth assessments compared to face-to-face.
The referral process and cost for Telehealth assessments are the same as face-to-face assessments as are the rebate options. Download our Aspect Assessments Fee Guide.
Adult assessments
The adult assessment process is largely unchanged from a face-to-face assessment. The only difference is that conversations will happen online rather than face-to-face.
Child assessments
For children under the age of 6, the assessment process has been adapted so that parents carry out some of the steps that Aspect staff would normally do in a face-to-face assessment. Parents will be given clear instructions on how to set up the room and engage with their child. The child’s engagement and reactions will be observed in real-time by the clinician.
To be able to participate in a Telehealth assessment, you will need access to the internet and a laptop/computer/tablet/smartphone with microphone and camera.
Assessments intake process
To get the assessment process started, complete the intake form below. Once we have received the completed form, it will be reviewed by one of our clinicians and our assessment team will contact you to book an appointment.