We provide therapy services like speech therapy, occupational therapy and psychology in your home or in another place that suits you, like your childcare centre, school or in the community.
We have clinics in some locations like Baulkham Hills in Sydney, Alstonville (Northern NSW) and Flemington in Melbourne.
We can also give you therapy online by video.
In our therapy we:
- Try to learn and understand what you are good at and what you need to live a good life.
- Write a plan to help you achieve what you want.
- Help you to learn and develop skills to be more independent and comfortable in your life.
- Work with your family and people who care about you to help them.
- Help you get things and information that you need to help you live the life you want.
You can pay for our services with your NDIS Package or with your own money.
We have more complex information on our therapy services below. That information is not in an Easy English format.

Therapy services
Delivering person-centred, family-focused solutions for individuals