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What is modern slavery?

Modern slavery is a serious type of exploitation that can happen to anyone.

Exploitation is when someone takes advantage of you.

Human trafficking is a type of modern slavery.

Human trafficking is when someone

  • takes you to a place you do not want go to and makes you stay there
  • forces you to move to a place you do not want live in.

The person does this to you so that they can take advantage of you.

Deceptive recruiting for labour or services is a type of modern slavery.

Deceptive recruiting for labour or services is when someone tricks you to go to work where someone will take advantage of you.

Slavery is a type of modern slavery.

Slavery is when someone treats you like they own you.

You may

  • have no choice about what you do
  • have to work with no pay
  • be sold to work for someone new.

Forced labour is a type of modern slavery.

Forced labour is when you are not free to stop work or leave your workplace.

You may not be free to leave because

  • you have been tricked to stay at work
  • someone has said something bad will happen if you stop work.

Servitude is a type of modern slavery.

Servitude is when you are not free to

  • stop work and
  • make choices outside of work.

If you are in servitude you may not be able to

  • Leave where you work
  • Choose when to eat or sleep
  • Go anywhere without the people or person you work for.

Debt bondage is a type of modern slavery.

A debt is something that you owe and must pay back.

Debt bondage is when you must work for someone who you owe and need to pay back.

Forced marriage is a type of modern slavery.

Forced marriage is when you are made to marry a person.

In a forced marriage you may not have a choice about

  • if you marry
  • who you marry
  • when you marry.

The worst forms of child labour is a type of modern slavery.

The worst forms of child labour is when a child

  • is treated like someone owns them or
  • has to do work that may harm the child.

What is a modern slavery statement?

In 2018 the Australian Government made a new law called the Modern Slavery Act.

The law says that some businesses in Australia have to write a modern slavery statement every year. We call this the Statement.

The Statement must say what are the risks of modern slavery

  • in a business
  • in where the business spends money

The Statement must also say what the business will do to make the risk of modern slavery less.

Our Statement

Aspect works fairly and obeys the law in its work.

Our Statement helps us to know how to do better in our community.
