Did you know that Autistic people have a greater chance of developing other medical issues at birth and later in life than the average non-autistic person? A lot of us actually use wheelchairs.
Hi! I’m Aspen, a proud Autistic wheelchair user and this is my story.
I have multiple chronic illnesses and a genetic condition that causes a range of issues including things such as chronic pain and an unstable heart rate. Due to the severity of my pain, I use a wheelchair part time, as well as other mobility aids. These life- changing aids have given back my freedom. They allow me to go shopping (provided I have sensory toys, and headphones and my assistance dog), go to school, visit zoos, museums, and allow me to live my life in a comfortable and enjoyable way.

I haven't always used a wheelchair. Actually, it wasn’t until March 2021 when I first needed something extra to help me get around. I did, however, show signs of chronic pain when I was younger, but Doctors always reduced my symptoms to being psychosomatic; they didn’t trust me to understand myself.
8 years later and we are now looking at all the possibilities and trying to figure out what is causing my medical issues. It hasn’t been easy. As an Autistic person, going through lots of testing is really difficult. I’m hypersensitive to touch so I often get overstimulated when going through physical exams. Thankfully, my GP understands and clearly outlines everything she is doing - something everyone should be able to expect from a medical professional. Other doctors are not so understanding. I try my best to educate them, but it usually ends in meltdowns or dismissal of my voice. There is a lack of knowledge from doctors of how Autistic people communicate. They don’t realise that when I am stimming, covering my ears and non-speaking, I need them to slow down and wait. These are skills doctors should be trained in.

Awareness and understanding
People often get confused when they find out I’m Autistic and use a wheelchair. I get asked all the time “how does autism put you in a wheelchair? It’s like people forget that someone can have multiple disabilities! The thing is, many Autistic people have chronic illnesses and it’s not a coincidence. There is a link between autism and health conditions. Chronic pain, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, gastrointestinal disorders, epilepsy and genetic anomalies are often linked to Autism. Scientists still aren’t sure why, but they are working hard to find answers.
The worst part about being an Autistic wheelchair user for me is having to speak up for myself and my needs to complete strangers. Getting people to listen when you’re part of a minority is incredibly difficult. I have been ignored, treated like a small child, laughed at… all because I wanted an accessible bathroom cleaned, or a ramp for public transport. I fight back my social anxiety of speaking to people, and this is what I get! People talk down to me, literally and figuratively and it’s really frustrating. All I want is to be treated as an equal, but until society stops seeing disability as a negative and a deficit, that’s just not a possibility.
"I am part of some amazing communities and I have met many great people from across the world."

I make it sound like it’s a bad thing to be in a wheelchair and Autistic, but it’s not actually the case. I am part of some amazing communities and I have met many great people from across the world. I get to learn wheelies in my chair, I can go down hills super fast, and my friends call me funny nicknames like ‘Hot wheels’ and ‘Lightning McQueen’. These good things keep me going when I’m surrounded by chaos and negativity. And best of all, I have these awesome opportunities to share my story and experiences, and maybe one day, my words will help people feel comfortable in their own identity and disabled body.
Happy International Wheelchair Day everyone!
Your friendly Quirky teen,
Aspen he/they