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Celebrating Speech Pathology Week 2023

As we usher in Speech Pathology Week 2023, we're embracing the theme 'Communication for Life', emphasising the importance of seamless communication throughout our lives.
Aspect Website Previews

Aspect announces new Chair of the Board

Aspect has announced a new Chair of the Aspect Board. Annette Gallard has decided to step down as Chair of the Aspect Board. Annette joined the Board in March 2014 and was elected Chair in October 2020. During this time. she has provided exceptional leadership and valued guidance which has seen Aspect extend its reach and deliver quality outcomes for people on the autism spectrum. Annette will remain on the Board for the foreseeable future. We thank Annette for her time and support generously given to Aspect as Chair.
It takes a village: Celebrating the growth of Aspect Riverina School

It takes a village: Celebrating the growth of Aspect Riverina School

For Aspect Riverina School, which runs autism-specific education programs, it’s a day to recognise the individuality of our wonderful students and celebrate their families, teachers and support staff and to acknowledge the local community which has supported our school over many years.
Autistic adult Charlotte W

Celebrating World Autism Understanding Day

As the world acknowledges World Autism Awareness Day on 2 April, Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) has moved to change the wording to World Autism Understanding Day, in a bid to foster greater consideration and acceptance of autism and Autistic people.
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