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Aspect’s Gender Pay Gap

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) published the first set of private sector employer gender pay gaps on 27 February 2024. This includes employer gender pay gaps by median as well as the gender composition per pay quartile, using data reported for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.This process has continued this year and our 2024 results can be viewed below.

This change is part of new reforms to the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 which aim to accelerate workplace gender equality in Australia, in this case, by encouraging employers to deploy and drive workplace policies, practices and environments to assist in closing the gender pay gap. Further information is available on the WGEA website here.

To view Aspect’s gender equality results, including gender pay gaps, visit WGEA’s Data Explorer and search by employer.

Aspect’s statement to accompany this data is below:

Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) has a demonstrated and longstanding commitment to fostering, promoting and supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, both within the organisation and in the communities we serve.

Our position from a gender pay gap perspective is reflective of our workforce demographic, with a gender pay gap in favour of women in a predominantly female workforce; the trend is consistent across all business lines and levels within the organisation. Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)’s gender pay gap statistics are broadly comparable to similar organisations that operate in the same industries as we do.

At Aspect, we are committed to maintaining and advancing gender equity within our workforce, and take a proactive position with respect to matters such as access to flexible working, paid parental leave, and preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.

Aspect’s 2024 report to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency

Every year Aspect provides details about the gender makeup of our workforce to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) for comparison with other companies around the country. This reporting is a requirement under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, and happens in May each year.

Aspect’s Public Data, 2024

Click on the following links to view the public data from Aspect’s 2024 WGEA report

Historic data provided by Aspect to WGEA since 2014, including how Aspect compares to other organisations and sectors around Australia, is also available via the WGEA Data Explorer.

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